5 Simple Tips For Maintaining Consistency

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”
Anthony Robbins
Remaining consistent is difficult,just like focusing on one task at a time, it requires dedication. Over the years, I have struggled with consistency. I would often start something, stop and then start it again. Three years ago, I began thinking about the reasons why things were not going my way, I realised that consistency was achilles heel. My life consisted of working on something and then leaving it by the wayside after a couple of months. I recently read James Clear’s Atomic Habits and it got me thinking. If you change your habits, you can truly change your life. In this post I am going to focus on a few simple steps to help you stay consistent.

  1. Create Specific and Realistic Goals
If you create vague goals with no clear end point or deadline, you are less likely to follow through. However, if you set goals that are targeted and very focused, you are more likely to push through and get it done. You should be setting SMART goals.  These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. Read this article right here about goal-setting to help you with setting goals >>>> Three Principles of Effective Goal Setting
2. Do Less
In the book Deep Work by Cal Newport, he talks about single-tasking and it is vital to focus on one thing at a time. When you have too many things to think about, staying consistent is difficult. However, if you focus on one thing at a time, it clears the mind of clutter and allows you to put all your energy into getting that one thing done. You are more likely to remain consistent when you have less to think about. It is better to set one major goal instead of setting 50 major goals. You will end up feeling overwhelmed and drained.  
3. Study Examples of People Who Have Remained Consistent
I am going to use YouTube as an example here, I started my YouTube channel a few years back. However, I stopped posting for a while, then I would go back to posting and then stop again. The people that remained consistent are killing the game on YouTube right now. I look at YouTubers like Erin May Henry and Fully Raw Kristina, they have remained consistent and their channels are growing at a rapid rate. If you study people who remain consistent, you will realise that consistency truly does breed success. This should help you to stay motivated on a daily basis.
4. Think About  The End Game
Think about how you want your life to look. If you stop now, would you want to look back and feel like you have made no progress at all. When you think about the negative impact quitting could have on your overall life plan, you will be motivated to continue working toward your goal.
5. Rest (power of rest)
Never underestimate the power of rest. Give yourself time to rest and refuel. Rest is an essential component of working well and working efficiently. When you are working, take breaks and have days off when you need to(this applies to people who work  for themselves) Sometimes when you work non-stop, with no break or no time to rest, productivity dwindles and tasks are left undone. If you want to learn how to remain consistent in your working life, rest more. Understand the importance and the power of taking a break. You will thank yourself for it.
Thanks for reading, come back soon. Don’t forget to grab a copy of the brand new book published by the Pink Intrigue network>>> Delve: My Heartfelt Notes on Delving Deep and Climbing High.


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