How to Supercharge Your Self Esteem in a Day
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Girlboss |
Building your self-esteem is an ongoing process, it takes time. Do not expect it to happen overnight, however, expect to see results if you put in the time, effort and focus into boosting your self-esteem. In this blog post, we are going to outline a few practical tips to help you boost your self-esteem and supercharge your confidence.
Gratitude is so important, we often underestimate how vital gratitude really is. You simply cannot spend your time complaining about everything and wishing you had more. Instead spend your time wisely, focus on giving thanks for all the things you have. Giving thanks for the life you live. Wake up every morning and ask yourself the question, what am I grateful for?
Clear Your Space
Clear out the clutter, remove all the unnecessary things from your life. It is easier said than done but do give it a try. I recently read an interesting book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. The book talks about the power of clearing your space if the item does not spark joy, get rid of it. Holding on to old things is like holding on to old emotions. When you clear your space, you leave room for positive energy to flow into your life.
Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal or notebook. Reflect often and release pent up negative emotions and fears. Write down your accomplishments too, anything you are proud of, write it down.
Move Your Body
Get out there and move your body, take long walks, run, jog or dance around the house. Just move to get your body moving.
Make a Green Smoothie
Green smoothies are my daily staple. Why green smoothies? Eating plenty of green leafy vegetables is vital because leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and swiss chard contain magnesium. When your magnesium levels are low, you will most likely feel sluggish, tired and unmotivated. Magnesium is natures mood booster therefore, it is essential that you include it in your diet.
Make Healthy Food
Learn how to prepare healthy and delicious meals packed full of nutrients and vitamins. Choose colorful whole foods, drink plenty of water. It is better to add healthy components to your diet rather than trying to cut things out. Therefore, if you are accustomed to eating a burger and fries for lunch, why not add some extra salad to the mix. You can still have your fries, but why not try air frying or baking instead of deep frying.
Dress Your Best
Don’t wait until there is a special occasion before you dress your best. Wear your new clothes now! Get spruced up feeling great about yourself.
Get Active
Get active, walk, run, jog, jump up and down. Do something to keep your body moving, get that blood pumping around your body.
Make a Green Smoothie
Prepare a green smoothie using kale, spinach or swiss chard. Combine the greens with non-dairy milk or water and add fruits. Blend and enjoy! Why a green smoothie? Green smoothies are great for boosting the mood because they contain plenty of natures mood booster magnesium. Drink them daily to boost your energy and lift your mood.
Make Healthy Food
Prepare some healthy food, you don’t have to go overboard with it, just add some freshness to your lunch or dinner, or even your breakfast. Fresh fruit, vegetables, some good fats, some fish if you fancy it. Drink lots of water with a squeeze of lemon and some Stevia if you feel like you need to sweeten it up a bit.
Dress Your Best
Dress your best whenever you feel like doing so. Do you have a pair of “going out” shoes that you never wear? Wear them today to go to the store, wear them in your living room, just wear them. Live your life to the fullest, girl! You deserve it.
Compliment your best stuff with one of our mixed media designed prints or backpacks. Get your girlboss life together! Fly girl, fly!
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