How To Stay Motivated To Achieve All Your Goals


How To Stay Motivated Enough To Achieve Your Goals

Remaining motivated, dedicated and focused on the tasks that you need to complete to achieve your goals can be a challenge in itself. With all the distractions from social media, constant notifications and demands, it is difficult to remain focused. Motivation is not magic, it does not come in a neat package. However, it is something you can tap into if you are willing.

Here are some useful steps to help you stay motivated, remember all the tips in the world will not drag you out of bed at 5 am to get started on your latest novel. It is up to you. Ladies! Let’s find the motivation, dig deep and get it done.
Set a goal and visualize it to the letter
I have spoken to many high profile athletes about what they do to prepare for championship meets. They say they imagine the results, how they feel, what it looks like to achieve success, what they are wearing, everything. They can taste it before it even happens.
Make a list of the reasons why you to want to achieve the goal. Ask yourself why, know your why to live each day thinking about your why. Write your list down and read through it every day. When you write your reasons down with a pen, you engage the brain, and you put the body and mind into an active state. Connect with the goal and the reasons why you want to achieve that goal.

Break it down into smaller chunks

Break the goal down and set rewards and targets for each step. One of the reasons we are so stressed in our modern society is the feeling that we have an overwhelming list of things to do. When you break your tasks down into smaller chunks, completing them becomes easier and more manageable. Therefore, instead of saying that you want to finish your book of 100,000 in a couple of weeks. Why not give yourself a task to write a thousand words a day for 100 days. In just over three months, your book will be complete.

Have a Plan But Be Willing To Modify It
Sometimes we find it difficult to stay motivated when a plan that we mapped out does not work precisely the way we wanted it. Therefore, when you are making plans, be willing to find other ways to achieve your goal. This will make it significantly easier for you when your ideas do not work exactly the way you wanted them to.

Get Help
Get help, and do not be ashamed to ask for it. Working in isolation is difficult, if you have other people around you to help with tasks and keep you motivated, achieving your goals will be much more straightforward.

Know How You Will Deal With Flagging Motivation

Write down ways of dealing with flagging motivation before it even happens. Therefore, you do find yourself struggling to stay motivated, you can pull out your list of motivation boosters and put them to work.

Do Something Else

This tip is a winner! You wake up, you start carrying out your day to day tasks, your motivation is lagging, and your productivity (input and output is low) Here is a tip, look at your things to do list, if your motivation is lacking when it comes to writing blog posts for example, plan your social media posts for the next month instead. Try something of the motivation boosters on your list the next day and get to work.

Procrastinating is undoubtedly not a good thing when it comes to achieving your goals. However, if you have an extremely long task list, it is ok to find stuff on the list that is more appealing for any given day. Bear in mind that eventually, you will need to get it done. Break down the tedious tasks into smaller chunks, better still, hire someone online to get them done for you if you can.

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