How To Change Your Mindset to Achieve Success

Our mission at Pink Intrigue (content creation company and lifestyle brand) is to inspire and motivate you to become your greatest version. We know, it takes hard work, it takes dedication, it takes focus but greatness never came as a result of mediocracy.
Greatness comes with grit, hard work and focus. Greatness comes when we get up and do the daily work. We work on ourselves and do whatever it takes to change our mindsets. The daily work is important, the inner work is vital. Aside from the inner work we need to change our day to day habits. We need to start creating manageable, achievable plans that we can fully execute.
Today we are going to talk about a few tips that you can try to change your mindset for success. To prepare your mind for success. Let’s go!
Do you ever wonder why so many of us at the beginning of the year make these grand resolutions, whether it’s to lose weight or develop that new business plan, but then somewhere down the line something happens and you start to lose focus and get off track?
Well, it all boils down to ones ‘mindset’. Our mindset controls the things that we choose to achieve and the things that we put off. It’s easy to work towards a goal when it’s new, fresh and exciting but what about when that uphill battle starts to get tough and it’s time to ‘put in work!’ We suddenly begin to make excuses and little by little we start to maneuver off the path and right back to where we started. This is a vicious cycle of starting and stopping and in turn never truly achieving our goals.
But for those ‘resolution-breakers’ (me included) there is hope!
Here are a few tips on working towards your goal and changing your mindset:
Tip #1:
Change your perspective.
Sometimes one of the best ways to tackle a problem or situation when striving for a goal is to simply change the way we look, think, and act towards a certain situation. For instance, in my junior year of college, I was dreading taking a calculus class! Even before registering, I found myself complaining to friends about how I disliked math and how I was no good at it. This made the class unbearable because I was already going into the situation thinking that I would fail.
So one day, I decided to try something new and ‘act’ like I actually liked Math. This was quite a stretch, but I thought to myself, “what’s the worst thing that could happen?” I began looking at the math problems, not as hurdles but rather as ‘secret problems’ that I had to encode. Corny I know, but it worked! I challenged myself to look at the class differently and tried to understand how I could apply the techniques I learned into real life. I ended up getting a B+ in that class, all because I changed my perspective. Instead of looking at the class as some big, scary monster, I looked at it as something attainable and something that I could achieve!
Tip #2
Allow for mistakes.
Nobody is perfect, so allowing yourself to make mistakes is an essential part in achieving success with any goal. At any point, when you feel yourself drifting off track or feeling a little discouraged, remind yourself why you chose to set this goal in the first place. Let’s take the ‘eating healthier’ scenario. The goal? To lose weight and develop better eating habits. The why? To have more energy and live longer. When you feel like you hit a wall, try these tips:
  • Display useful quotes, scriptures or inspirational sayings in places where you can see them every day to keep you motivated (i.e. bathroom mirror, car, or phone notifications) Recite these encouraging “words of affirmation” each day aloud to yourself.
  • Create a vision board. Visually seeing your goals can be a major asset in helping to successfully achieve them.
  • Have an accountability partner. It may be useful to have a person that will hold you accountable when you began to fall back into old habits or that person to call in moments of weakness.
Tip #3
Take your time.
Remember the saying ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. Achieving your goals takes hard work, lots of effort, and time. Do not get discouraged during the journey and stay focused on your end goal. Separate your goals into short term and long term goals and then establish a deadline for achieving each goal, this will help you stay on track and bring you closer to achieving your goal.

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