Women in Business Rock: In Conversation With Fabiola Hinton- SimplyFabilous
Pink Intrigue: Fabiola, firstly I would like to say thank you for taking the time to have a chat with us. Can you please introduce yourself to our fabulous readers?
Hey Abena, it’s always a pleasure speaking to you. My name is Fabiola Hinton, I am the CEO/Founder of SimplyFabilous “A Fashion Destination”. A bit about myself, I was born in beautiful Haiti and moved to Florida at nine (9) years old until I graduated high school and now my home is Canada. I am married to my best friend Andrew and we are just trying to make it one day at a time.
Pink Intrigue: When did you start your business, and what was your ultimate motivation to do so?
SimplyFabilous started in 2017. You know the bible verse “Write the vision and make it plain”? My oldest sister motivated me to have my own brand. She’s a cosmetologist and my love for skincare and makeup artistry started before I became a teenager. I respected her collections, going to the malls, and getting free samples at department stores.
When I graduated high school, I moved to Canada in 2008 and I decided to go to school to be an Aesthetician. My last semester after clinicals I had to create a business plan for a Spa. There came the vision for SimplyFabilous. This was in 2009. It sort of went away as I went to college and ventured into other career paths. But my passion for my first love still remained. I spent so much money and time on makeup and skincare. I wanted something for us by us!
Pink Intrigue: If you could describe your business in one word, what would it be? Courageous
Pink Intrigue: What is your key mission?
To be comfortable in the skin that you’re in and by entering this destination you’ll learn to be Simply “Fabulous” in all aspects of your life.
Pink Intrigue: What makes you tick as a businesswoman?
Lack of planning is not an emergency on my part. Lol. That’s my slogan. I am an organizer/planner. I show up 100x daily for SimplyFabilous. So, I don’t enjoy other businesswomen's lack of professionalism with customer care. Especially in our culture.
Pink Intrigue: What Challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur and how have you overcome those challenges?
Educating and Investing in my growth. I spent a lot of money on free information. Looking back, a lot of my first year’s mistakes would not have happened. I opened a storefront with the help of a consultant and the location and surveys were far from reality. I had to close it down and focus strictly online.
Pink Intrigue: Black female entrepreneurs are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the USA. Why do you think this is?
We work hard and show up no matter what. I salute any black woman who’s thinking about starting a business, running a business. I see you, Sis!
Pink Intrigue: Do you have a daily routine that helps motivate you to succeed?
I used to. I am trying to balance my life right now. There’s a lot on the go currently. I need a new and improved routine. It’s a new year, I will ensure that’s on the calendar.
Pink Intrigue: Favorite quote?
“Create Your Own Happiness”
Pink Intrigue: Favorite female boss?
Marie M. Corioland (My mother)
Pink Intrigue: Do you have any recommended personal development books?
“The most powerful woman in the room is YOU” Lydia Fenet
Pink Intrigue: Goals for the up and coming year?
Educate and expand SimplyFabilous to a community.
Pink Intrigue: Do you have any advice for up and coming entrepreneurs?
Go for it, never give up!
Pink Intrigue: If you could write a letter to your teenage self, what would it say?
Dear Fabie, everything you will endure in this life will prepare you for what you’re praying for. The best of you is yet to come. Create your own happiness baby girl!
Pink Intrigue: Looking back, what would you have done differently in business?
Follow my own intuition on certain decisions early on.
Pink Intrigue: This is one of my favorite interview questions, the late, great film critic Gene Siskel would often ask this question during interviews.
Fabiola, you are an entrepreneur, wife, and ambitious go-getter, what do you know for sure? Let me ask you the question again, WHAT DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE?
This is only the beginning Abena, follow our journey. The world will know where to escape to when needing to simply feel “Fabulous”!
Pink Intrigue: Where can we find you online? www.simplyfabilous.com
Thank you for taking the time out to chat with us Fabiola, we appreciate you.
Thanks for having me, Abena!
Follow SimplyFabilous on Instagram too >>>> SimplyFabilous Instagram Page
In Conversation with Fabiola Hinton was taken from Pink Intrigue Creative Copywriting blog for Women in Business Rock series.
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