How To Change Your Life Dramatically in Just a Few Days

"This year is going to be my year". That is probably one of the most popular phrases for the new year. The list of new year resolutions is usually endless. You plan on going to the gym, losing weight, starting your business, moving into a new apartment. You plan on getting your life together however, by March you have probably given up on majority of the things that you set out to do. Back to square one. the feeling is not a good one right?

Well, if you are fed up with the status quo, the only person that can actually change that is, yes you guessed it you! So, in this post you are going to learn how you can actually change your life in a week. I am not saying it is going to be easy, but I am saying it is going to be worth it. That is if you are willing to put the work in and focus your time and energy into making some significant changes in your life.

Eliminate Negative Thinking

You probably hear this all the time right? 'Think positive, be optimisitc'. Let's be honest, thinking positive on a day to day basis is easier said than done. However, it is possible to shift your thinking from negative to positive in a matter of days. In fact you can start the process of shifting your thinking in just 1 day.

One of the factors that can affect the way we think, is the diet. When I talk about diet, I am not necessarily talking about food. I am talking about the the information we consume on a day to day basis, the books we read, the television programmes we watch, the people we choose to associate ourselves with. In order to successfully eliminate negative thinking we need to change the diet. Therefore, one of the steps we could take when eliminating negative thinking should be, to remove certain negative forces from the diet.

Look around you and do the following:
  • Get rid of books with negative imagery and content
  • Stop watching negative content
  • Go through your phone book and erase the numbers of people who do not have a positive impact on your life
  • Look at your social media accounts and unfriend people who constantly post negative content
  • Clean up your surroundings to allow positive energy to flow. This will help with negative thinking too.
  • Look for inspirational quotes and positive affirmations. Print them and put them on your walls where you can see them.
  • Find positive music and YouTube videos and bookmark them on your computer.

These are just a few of the things you can start doing to erase negative thinking. Here are a few more.   

  • Write down a list of some of the negative things you say to yourself. Then on a separate piece of paper, write down the positive version of that phrase. Take the paper with the negative phrases on it and dispose of it. Keep the paper with the positive phrases on it and paste it to the wall, or somewhere you can see it. It is also a good idea to copy those positive phrases into your phone and keep them with you at all times. When you have a negative thought, all you need to do is take out the list of phrases and replace the negative thought with a positive thought from the list, or something similar. Keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it.
  • Record your voice! This is a very effective way of eliminating negative thought patterns. Record positive affirmations and positive phrases into a Dictaphone or into your phone. Listen to it before you go to bed, or throughout the day. Make sure you listen to these positive phrases every single day. In just a couple of days you will find yourself thinking positive without having to force yourself to do it.
  • Choose one positive thinking book and read it cover to cover. Make notes and extract the most important points from the book and save it in a notebook or place them somewhere you can see them.
  • Do not overload yourself with too much information in the beginning. Especially if you are not used to reading or assimilating large volumes. Take it slowly by picking one book and focus on that. Also pick a couple of YouTube videos to focus on, as well as the positive phrases that you have chosen for yourself and focus all your attention on those.

Get it All Out

If you have a clear idea of the kind of life you want to live, it is time to get it all out! Often enough, we know what we want but we just don't know where to start. So in order to create a plan for your life, you need to see what it is you want. Therefore, you need to write it all down, your personal goals and your career or business goals. Write everything down in separate lists, but don't overwhelm yourself, break it down. For example, your business goals business/career goals could be; I want to start my own business, or I want to get a promotion. It could be as simple as that, your personal goal could be I need to lose 40lbs. You probably have a million other goals but if you are the kind of person who quits after the first hurdle, it might be best to stick to 2 or 3 goals rather than a list of hundreds.

One of the most powerful strategies that has helped me immensely when it comes to achieving goals is the daily 6 step strategy. For example, you have those 2 major goals, so you would think of 6 very important things you need to do every single day to achieve those goals. These steps need to be priority steps. This allows you totally eliminate the fluff, all the things that are not really that important. Your list could look like this:

  1. Read or listen to something positive every day
  2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day
  3. Do some business research every day
  4. Interact with a potential business contact daily/Send out at least one job application if you are looking for a particular job)
  5. Work on my website content daily
  6. Post one article daily(to help establish myself as an authority figure in my field before my business is up and running)

This is just an example list, and your list will be perfect for the goals you have set for yourself.

Create a Vision Board
Creating a vision board ties in with getting it all out. Create a very detailed vision board, illustrating the kind of life you want to live. Do not hold back with this one, it needs to be as detailed and specific as possible. Also make it colourful and eye catching, you want to look at it every day and remember why you are working so hard to achieve your goals. It needs to be a visual reminder of what you want your life to look like. Take a look at this video on how to create an effective vision board.

Be Grateful
Often enough we become so desperate to change the state of our lives that we forget to be grateful for what we actually already have. Gratitude is so important when it comes to turning your life around. It can instantly change your perspective on life when you actually give thanks for what you already have. Try it! Look around and realise how blessed you already are, and start actively working to change your circumstances on a daily basis.

Help Someone

Many people wait until they have achieved all their goals in life before they start helping others. However, you can begin to help others at any stage in your journey. Lending a helping hand is free, you don't need to invest money, all you need to do is invest your time. Helping an old lady with her bags, or helping her across the street, giving up your seat on a bus to someone who needs it, giving someone an inspirational book, post inspirational statuses on your social media accounts to help those who might just need that daily reminder. When you help others, you are actually helping yourself to become a better person. You are building your character, you are sending positive vibrations into the world. You can do any of the above things at any time therefore, you an instantly change your life. You can instantly change your perspective on life, change how people perceive you. It doesn't cost anything to be nice! Take a look at this video below, see how this young man changed his life by helping people! It is very powerful! Help someone today!!!!!

I really hope this article was useful, please share if you think it could help someone you know. Also, comment below and let me know how the article helped you to change your life in just a few days.

Follow us on Facebook for inspirational videos and positive human interest posts. As well as inspirational quotes that you can share on your social media pages.  Pink Intrigue Facebook page  One more thing! If you like inspirational quotes head on over to our inspirational quotes site >>>> Quotearium

One of the most powerful books I have ever read about changing your life for the better is a book called 'Take Yourself to the Top' By Laura Fortgang.  This book is amazing, it is like having a life coach in your handbag or your man bag, whatever you prefer! Grab your copy here >>>>> Take Yourself to the Top

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