Girlboss Motivation Quotes From Sophia Amoruso

I love inspirational quotes – I use them as a reminder to keep myself motivated, especially when I’m having a bad or stressful day. As we begin to set our goals and intentions for the new week, I gathered a list of 10 favorite girl boss quotes to keep us all motivated and focused on pursuing our dreams. These are some of the best quotes from self-acclaimed girlboss Sophia Amoruso. Enjoy!


“No matter where you are in life, you'll save a lot of time by not worrying too much about what other people think about you. The earlier in your life that you can learn that, the easier the rest of it will be.”

Sophia Amoruso

“The energy you’ll expend focusing on someone else’s life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol.”
Sophia Amoruso
“Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.”
Sophia Amoruso

“There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Each time you make a good decision or do something nice or take care of yourself; each time you show up to work and work hard and do your best at everything you can do, you’re planting seeds for a life that you can only hope will grow beyond your wildest dreams. Take care of the little things—even the little things that you hate—and treat them as promises to your own future. Soon you’ll see that fortune favors the bold who get shit done.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Money looks better in the bank than on your feet.”
Sophia Amoruso

“It’s cool to be kind. It’s cool to be weird. It’s cool to be honest and to be secure with yourself.”
Sophia Amoruso

“If you’re frustrated because you’re not getting what you want, stop for a second: Have you actually flat-out asked for it? If you haven’t, stop complaining. You can’t expect the world to read your mind. You have to put it out there, and sometimes putting it out there is as simple as just saying, “Hey, can I have that?”
Sophia Amoruso

“The only way to support a revolution is to make your own.”
Sophia Amoruso, #GIRLBOSS

“You have to kick people out of your head as forcefully as you'd kick someone out of your house.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Even with no manager watching to give me a gold star, it was important to do my best. Who cares if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it? The tree still falls. If you believe that what you’re doing will have positive results, it will—even if it’s not immediately obvious. When you hold yourself to the same standard in your work that you do as a friend, girlfriend, student, or otherwise, it pays off.”
Sophia Amoruso

“You create the world, blink by blink. It is entirely yours to discover and yours to create.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Bad bitches are taking over the world.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Create your own job. Become the master of what you do. Fully imerse yourself in your culter. Be humble. You are never above having to pack boxes. Never forget where you came from. And always be polite. Good old-fashioned manners can get you very far. -Jenne Lomardo”
Sophia Amoruso

“Opinions are like assholes; everybody’s got one.”
Sophia Amoruso

“but what I have realized over time is that in many ways, money spells freedom. If you learn to control your finances, you won’t find yourself stuck in jobs, places, or relationships that you hate just because you can’t afford to go elsewhere. Learning how to manage your money is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. Being in a good spot financially can open up so many doors. Being in a bad spot can slam them in your face.”
Sophia Amoruso

“I believe that there is a silver lining in everything, and once you begin to see it, you'll need sunglasses to combat the glare.”
Sophia Amoruso

“While I truly believe that you must have intentions to fulfill your dreams, I also think you have to leave room for the universe to have its way and play around a bit. Don’t get so focused on one particular opportunity that you’re blind to other ones that come up. If you think about one thing, and talk about it all the time, you’re being too obsessive. You might ruin it. If you let yourself meander a bit, then the right things and the right people fall into place. Some things are worth fighting for—don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely a fighter—but I really think that what is right should be easy. My dad has always said that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, and it’s so true.”
Sophia Amoruso

“It just means that your talents lie elsewhere, so take the opportunity to seek out what you are good at, and find a place where you can flourish. Once you do, you’re going to kill it.”
Sophia Amoruso

“Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson famously defined “entrepreneurship” as “the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” I give a “hell yes” to that definition—you should take that spirit with you to whatever job you’re doing or whatever project you’re undertaking.”
Sophia Amoruso,

“You can’t act like you’ve arrived when you’re only just receiving the invitation.”
Sophia Amoruso
Take a peek at our girlboss concept store right here >>> Pink Intrigue Shop 


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