7 Tips For Being a Highly Productive Girlboss

Being a girlboss and finding creative ways to get things done on a daily basis is far from easy. However, if you are struggling with getting things done, and slaying you to do list every day, then pay attention. In this article, I am going to highlight just a few tips on how to be more productive on a day to day basis.
Now, let’s slay our goals! You Ready?

The Right Workspace

The perfect workspace is not always possible, especially if you live in a shared house or renting an office is not in your budget. However, the trick is finding the right place for you. If you have just started your girlboss journey, then put things to the test. Try working for a few days at a coffee shop, try working from your kitchen table, try working from the library. Try different places and see how you feel. Analyse your things to do list at the end of each day and evaluate how much work you actually managed to complete. Once you find your comfy workspace, stick to it.

My favorite place to work is the library, it is quiet, you can still sip your coffee and get that whole “yasss I am a girlboss feeling,” and you get free Internet in most libraries, no need to buy a coffee, croissant or sandwich to make full use of it.  Maya Angelou found her comfortable workspace in hotel rooms. She would book a room in a hotel and work there for the whole day. Just find out what works for you and stick to it.

Set A Timer

The Pomodoro method is my best friend when it comes to productivity and getting things done effectively and efficiently. This is how it works:

-Set a timer for 25 minutes and work continuously until the timer sounds
-Take a 5-minute break
-Do three more rounds of 25 minutes and then take a 20-30 minute break

Reduce The Task List

Instead of writing a vast task list and struggling to get through it. Why not place the most essential things on your to-do list and focus on getting those things done. You will be surprised at how much work you will get done when you focus on important things first. I am guilty of juggling too many things at once. Some days my things to do list has over 30 tasks on it, however, most recently I transformed the way I work.

Batching is when you complete similar tasks in a single session. Instead of multi-tasking, you focus on tasks that are pretty much the same. For example, spend 45 minutes going through your emails, do not recheck your emails, save your next email session for another day. Spend another 45 minutes to an hour planning social media content, focus on that particular task and do not deviate from it.

Productive Procrastination

The term productive procrastination was coined by psychologist Piers Steel from the University of Calgary. He states that procrastination can be a good thing because when you procrastinate productively, you don’t just sit around doing nothing. You do something else that might lead to creative thinking and idea generation. For example, instead of writing a blog post, you spend time doing laundry instead. Although, a mindless task during this time it is likely that you might come up with some thought-provoking ideas for your blog post.

I often take long walks, cook, clean or plan instead of doing deep, focused work. Deep concentrated work often requires peace and quiet, a clear mind and very little distraction. Sometimes it is not possible or appropriate to get some deep, focused work done, times like this, I procrastinate productively. When I do eventually get back to work, I usually work efficiently and effectively.

Lock Up Your Phone

Put your phone away, lock it in a drawer if you have to. I lock my phone away during my 25-minute Pomodoro sessions. During my breaks, I take a peek and check my social media notifications. Keeping your phone beside you while you work will only distract you and stop you from entering true focused mode. As a girl boss, staying focused, keeping your eyes on the prize is essential. Do not let anything distract you from getting things done and achieving your goals.

Rest + Recovery

Being a girlboss requires lots of work, however, just because you are working and getting lots done does not mean that you should work yourself into a hospital bed. Take time to recover and rest. Book yourself in for a spa treatment, get your hair done, get your nails done. Run yourself a hot bath and watch your favorite Netflix show.  

I hope you enjoyed my top tips on being a more productive girlboss. These tips have helped me tremendously, and every time I find myself stuck in a rut, I refer back to them. Drop a comment below and let me know how slay your things to do list.  

Before you click out, please do check out our brand new girlboss concept store right here>>>> Pink Intrigue Shop

Thanks for reading! Come back soon.


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