Company Review: Key Compliance Consultancy Ghana(Female Owned Company)

 Company Review: Key Compliance Consultancy (Ghanaian Company) 

I moved to Ghana three years ago and decided to go down the business route instead of getting a job.I was terrified of dealing with all the jargon associated with setting up a business in a new country and I needed some assistance, professional assistance. To be honest, It can be extremely difficult to find trustworthy companies in Ghana. It is always advisable to get a recommendation from a friend or colleague. A friend of mine at work recommended Key Compliance Consultancy as she had worked with them to set up her business. The process was a seamless one. 


I actually contacted them through Instagram at first and they responded to me immediately, which is quite rare because I have encountered many companies in Ghana that literally take days and sometimes weeks to respond to messages. Therefore, in terms of responsiveness and reliability, I give Key Compliance Consultancy 5 stars. 


Professionalism is vital when dealing with any business, this is something I look out for, especially when I am paying for a service. I expect a professional and courteous manner when dealing with companies. Key Compliance Consultancy offered a high-level professional service with no stone left unturned when it came to meeting my needs as a client. 


As a new client working with a company for the first time, I always have questions. I had a whole myriad of questions and they answered my countless questions with grace and poise. 


Key Compliance Consultancy offers a high quality, professional service at a reasonable cost. I was happy with the fees and I received an excellent service. 

Key Compliance Consultancy is an Accra-based consultancy firm offering a one-stop shop service for anyone who wants to set up a business legally in Ghana. 

Key Compliance Website 

Key Compliance on Instagram 


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